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American Glory

American Cruise Lines

Ship Overview

American Glory blends the best qualities of expedition adventure cruising with the refinement, luxury, stability, and land proximity of river cruising. Observation and sitting areas will be available at the bow, while a unique Swim/Activity Platform at the stern of the ship features kayaks and a tender for local exploration. The shallow draft of the vessels allow rare access into small ports and ability to travel on almost any river or waterway.
Aboard American Glory, land never out of sight, allowing guests even more time to explore each port. The modern interior, designed by Studio DADO, the Miami based firm responsible for the interior designs of the newest modern riverboats, offers the guests an unprecedented level of comfort and elegance and evokes a sense of pride and appreciation for U.S. history. The choice of color palettes, furnishings, and art work will reflect the culture of the Chesapeake Bay, and Southeast. As you cruise, relax in your luxurious staterooms and enjoy a front row seat to the beautiful passing scenery.

Their inaugural cruise season for American Glory will begin in the fall of 2023 on select Chesapeake Bay and Southeast itineraries.

American Glory  |  Cruises

Travel Discovery Inc.

20407 Hawthorne Blvd.
Torrance, CA 90503

電話熱線 (888) 371-3228

星期一至星期五 9:00 am - 6:00pm (PST)
星期六: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm


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