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Viking Rolf


Ship Overview

One of the oldest of all Nordic-Viking names, “Rolf” came from “Hrodwulf,” a Dark Ages appellation when mostly pagan names tended to extol virtues. One of the most famous kings of antiquity, Rolf gained renown in warfare by assembling the most celebrated warriors of the North, known as Rolf’s Twelve Champions. Equally famous was “Rolf the Ganger,” or “Marching Rolf,” a Viking chief who sailed the Seine and surrounded Paris.

Viking Rolf  |  Cruises

7-night Rhine Getaway Cruise05/13/2024CALL

7-night Rhine Getaway Cruise07/15/2024CALL

7-night Rhine Getaway Cruise09/16/2024from $3,299

7-night Rhine Getaway Cruise04/01/2025from $3,299

7-night Rhine Getaway Cruise06/03/2025from $2,799

7-night Rhine Getaway Cruise08/05/2025from $2,599

7-night Rhine Getaway Cruise10/07/2025from $2,799

7-night Christmas on the Rhine Cruise12/09/2025from $3,999

7-night Rhine Getaway Cruise05/05/2026from $3,299

7-night Rhine Getaway Cruise07/07/2026from $2,999

7-night Rhine Getaway Cruise09/08/2026from $3,299

7-night Christmas On The Rhine Cruise12/01/2026from $3,599

View all 112 Viking Rolf Cruise Offers...

Travel Discovery Inc.

20407 Hawthorne Blvd.
Torrance, CA 90503

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星期一至星期五 9:00 am - 6:00pm (PST)
星期六: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm


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