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Viking Mimir


Ship Overview

Mimir is said to have gained wisdom and knowledge by drinking from the Well of Wisdom. He is so wise that when the great tribes of Vanir and Aesir gods are at war, the Vanir tribe calls on him for counsel. But, incapable of translating his words of guidance, they behead him and send his head back to the Aesir tribe. Odin, the Aesir chief, embalms Mimir’s head with herbs, casting a spell that empowers it to speak and share secrets. Thus, Mimir guides Odin through the war until the two tribes of gods unify into one.

Viking Mimir  |  Cruises

14-night Grand European Tour Cruise05/10/2024CALL

14-night Grand European Tour Cruise09/13/2024from $5,799

7-night Danube Waltz Cruise03/28/2025from $2,199

14-night Grand European Tour Cruise07/18/2025from $5,499

14-night Grand European Tour Cruise11/21/2025from $4,499

View all 40 Viking Mimir Cruise Offers...

Travel Discovery Inc.

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Torrance, CA 90503

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星期六: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm


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