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Classic Thai Cuisine with a Warm and Welcoming Family in a Bangkok Home - Day Trip from $24

Traveling Spoon

OFFER ID 1313043

Meet Poo
Poo remembers growing up watching her mother prepare every element of a meal by hand for her food vendor business. Without using modern kitchen tools, her mother would grind spices and chilies by hand, pound ingredients in a mortar and pestle, and squeeze fresh coconut milk. Her mother never taught her how to cook, rather Poo learned from her own observations and experimentations. When Poo married her husband, they started their own business. When it wasn’t as successful as they had planned, Poo started to think about other business options that allowed her passion for cooking. She started selling her homemade dishes to busy office workers who missed the taste of home-cooked food. Now a successful food vendor herself, Poo starts selling her dishes at 5am and is always sold out by 9am. Poo says she can cook any kind of Thai food and regularly changes her menu to keep both herself and her customers interested. Poo speaks limited English so her daughter Nam will join you to help translate.

What to expect
In-home meal: (1-3 guests) Nam will pick you up at the Punnawithi BTS station and drive you 10 minutes to their home. Once you arrive at their modern townhouse, you will be welcomed to their table where you will sample Poo’s flavorful and eclectic Thai food. Your menu may include dishes such as fried fish with crispy garlic and fish sauce, gaeng kiewwan gung (green curry with shrimp), gung ob wunsen (glass noodles with roasted shrimp and herbs), or Poo's signature fried chicken wings served in a sweet and spicy sauce. Share your meal along with conversation about Thai cuisine and culture with this warm and hospitable family.

Languages spoken: English

0 nights from $24 per person

Featured Destinations

Vacation Details

Valid Date Ranges
05/01/2019 - 12/31/2024
from $24 per person

* This departure has been designated a guaranteed departure by the operator, meaning that the minimum number of guests has been met, although still subject to weather and other conditions.
Prices Start At
from $24 per person
0 Nights
Air City
Call for airfares from your city.
Vacation Rating
Pricing is per person. Children aged 5-11 are 50% off, and children 4 and under are free. Please note number and ages of children at time of booking. Please note that all experiences are private and fully customizable. If your travelers have particular preferences or dietary restrictions please note this at the time of booking. Additional terms and conditions apply.
Note: This is a DAY TOUR with no hotel accommodations included. Price may vary by date of travel, currency rate fluctuations and tour option; please inquire for the best prices for your preferred travel dates.  Menu may vary.

All fares are quoted in US Dollars.


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Travel Discovery Inc.

20407 Hawthorne Blvd.
Torrance, CA 90503

電話熱線 (888) 371-3228

星期一至星期五 9:00 am - 6:00pm (PST)
星期六: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm


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