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Viking Beyla


Ship Overview

Beyla - Farm Servant to Norse God Freyr. Beyla is a servant to Freyr, Norse god of virility. She looks after his realm with her husband Byggvir. Because of her association with Freyr’s farm, Beyla personifies agriculture and the seeds from which crops grow. Byggvir shares the root of his name with Bygg, the Old Norse word for barley. True to this origin, he is a mill grinder and bread maker. Beyla’s name may be tied to cows, beans or bees. Together, they represent the enduring spirit of Scandinavia’s bounty, an ideal pair to serve a virile god.

Viking Beyla  |  Cruises

9-night Elegant Elbe Cruise/Land Package03/11/2025from $3,899

9-night Elegant Elbe Cruise/Land Package04/25/2025CALL

9-night Elegant Elbe Cruise/Land Package06/09/2025from $4,499

9-night Elegant Elbe Cruise/Land Package09/27/2025from $4,999

9-night Elegant Elbe Cruise/Land Package11/11/2025from $3,799

9-night Elegant Elbe Cruise/Land Package03/16/2026from $3,799

9-night Elegant Elbe Cruise/Land Package04/30/2026from $4,499

9-night Elegant Elbe Cruise/Land Package06/14/2026from $4,499

9-night Elegant Elbe Cruise/Land Package10/02/2026from $4,799

9-night Elegant Elbe Cruise/Land Package11/16/2026from $3,799

9-night Elegant Elbe Cruise/Land Package03/20/2027from $3,999

9-night Elegant Elbe Cruise/Land Package06/18/2027from $4,499

View all 132 Viking Beyla Cruise Offers...

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