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ms Sapphire for Tauck

Tauck - Cruise Division

Ship Overview

ms Sapphire offers a seamless combination of luxury and comfort along the magnificent River Seine, revealing the greatness of Paris and the historic riches of Normandy... it tells tales of Paris and how one of the world's greatest cities made history along its banks... brings first-hand views of the painted Impressionist landscapes and light that inspired artists such as Claude Monet... and provides an authentic slice of northern France riverside life.

ms Sapphire for Tauck  |  Cruises

Travel Discovery Inc.

20407 Hawthorne Blvd.
Torrance, CA 90503

電話熱線 (888) 371-3228

星期一至星期五 9:00 am - 6:00pm (PST)
星期六: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm


安利遊輪假期為你提供最適合最優惠的旅遊保險,讓你在旅遊途中享受全方位的保障。無論你何時何地需要取消你的行程,我們為你提供最大的補償 — 詳情請點擊這裡
