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Celebrity Flora

Celebrity Cruises®

Ship Overview

Celebrity Flora is the first ship of its kind to be built especially for the Galápagos Islands. This 100 passengers all-suite mega-yacht features the innovative outward-facing concept—designed to ensure the destination remains the center of attention during your sailing. Inspired by the islands and built with natural materials, the ship merges seamlessly with the surroundings, giving you a feeling of total immersion. To bring you an even more in-depth experience, certified naturalists from the Galápagos National Park are on board to guide the journey.

Celebrity Flora  |  Cruises

10-night Quito & Galapagos Inner Loop Cruise/Land Package05/24/2024CALL

16-night Galapagos Inner Loop & Machu Picchu Cruise/Land Package06/07/2024from $15,319

11-night Quito & Galapagos Outer Loop Cruise/Land Package06/28/2024from $8,887

7-night Galapagos Outer Loop Cruise07/14/2024from $6,539

7-night Galapagos Inner Loop Cruise08/04/2024from $7,279

7-night Galapagos Outer Loop Cruise08/25/2024from $7,839

7-night Galapagos Inner Loop Cruise09/15/2024from $8,387

7-night Galapagos Outer Loop Cruise10/06/2024from $12,048

7-night Galapagos Inner Loop Cruise10/27/2024from $9,099

7-night Galapagos Outer Loop Cruise11/17/2024from $8,559

7-night Galapagos Inner Loop Cruise12/08/2024from $7,559

7-night Galapagos Outer Loop Cruise12/29/2024from $14,228

View all 386 Celebrity Flora Cruise Offers...

Travel Discovery Inc.

20407 Hawthorne Blvd.
Torrance, CA 90503

電話熱線 (888) 371-3228

星期一至星期五 9:00 am - 6:00pm (PST)
星期六: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm


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