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Family Travel

Bring the whole family and share a journey across generations — UnCruise Adventures welcomes kids from age 8 to 98 (and beyond!) to experience magical wilderness, wildlife, history, and cultures together.

Wisely noted by Ralph Waldo Emerson, “It is a happy talent to know how to play.” You'll find that the Family Discoveries program celebrates the curiosity and wonderment of kids-at-heart of every age. And while there aren't adult-free play zones and there are no babysitting services, everyone learns while having fun—think summer camp for the entire family.

The adventure and river cruises are a unique smorgasbord of activities where you will have opportunities for building family bonds and creating lifelong memories. Reconnect and discover.


Each vessel has its own unique personality, but all share a universal goal- to provide comfort and relaxation.

UnCruise Adventures  |  Cruises

Supporting communities & the environment through responsible practices, lessening environmental footprints.

Travel Discovery Inc.

20407 Hawthorne Blvd.
Torrance, CA 90503

電話熱線 (888) 371-3228

星期一至星期五 9:00 am - 6:00pm (PST)
星期六: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm


安利遊輪假期為你提供最適合最優惠的旅遊保險,讓你在旅遊途中享受全方位的保障。無論你何時何地需要取消你的行程,我們為你提供最大的補償 — 詳情請點擊這裡
