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From the beginning, Lindblad Expeditions has been dedicated to promoting educational opportunities. Their belief is that by exposing adults and children to the wonders of the world, they will help foster the next generation of committed citizens who care about the future of the planet. The educational outreach consists of awareness campaigns, the sponsorship of research on oceans and seas, and the provision of scholarships for educators and young people to learn about the world.

Some educational initiatives include:

Kids on Board: In 2007, and at the request of local teachers, Lindblad Expeditions – together with the Darwin Station – launched the Kids on Board program, an extension of Teachers on Board in the Galapagos Islands. In the program’s first two years, nearly 400 students from schools on Santa Cruz Island in Galapagos were invited to visit the National Geographic Polaris for a glass-bottomed boat or Zodiac ride, a natural history lesson from a Lindblad naturalist, and a ship’s tour of the National Geographic Polaris.

Grosvenor Teach Fellowship Program: The The Grosvenor Teacher Fellowship program was established in 2007 to honor National Geographic Society Chairman Gilbert M. Grosvenor’s lifetime commitment to geographic education. The fellowships were donated in perpetuity to the National Geographic Society by Lindblad Expedition’s President, Sven Lindblad to mark Grosvenor’s 75th birthday and to honor his service in enhancing & improving geographic education across the United States. The annual fellowships will be awarded to K-12 teachers who demonstrate excellence in geographic education. The selected teachers will travel on a Lindblad ship to one of the company’s many destinations around the world.


Lindblad's fleet consists of nimble, intimately-scaled expedition ships, able to safely venture where larger cruise ships cannot!

Lindblad Expeditions  |  Cruises

Explore your world for yourself! Participate in citizen science and have meaningful, personal encounters with nature.

Travel Discovery Inc.

20407 Hawthorne Blvd.
Torrance, CA 90503

電話熱線 (888) 371-3228

星期一至星期五 9:00 am - 6:00pm (PST)
星期六: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm


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