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Vintage Seabourn

Silver Connoisseur Collection
This collection will provide a menu of six premium white wines and six premium red wines, including one dessert wine selection, from which guests may select a total of three bottles to enjoy on board. Contact your travel consultant for pricing details.

Gold Connoisseur Collection
This collection offers the same menu, plus an additional four whites and four reds of higher priced vintages, from which guests may select a total of six bottles. Contact your travel consultant for pricing details.

Although the menus will routinely change, wines in a Vintage Seabourn Silver selection might include white varieties such as a Condrieu M. Chapoutier; a Laetitia Pinot Noir in the red category and, for dessert, a Chateau Suduiraut Sauternes. Gold level additions may feature wines such as a Hanzel Alexander Valley Pinot Noir and a Puligny Montrachet, Bourchard 1er Cru Viognier. Contact your travel consultant for details on pricing.

Vintage Seabourn privileges will be available for purchase in advance of departure or on board, as well as on the advance Gift Order Form for use by family, friends or associates of guests. Ask your travel consultant for details.


Travel beyond the bounds of your imagination, discover what awaits aboard a Seabourn voyage.

Seabourn  |  Cruises

The inviting sound of music, laughter and conversation accompanies the setting of the sun on board our ships.

Travel Discovery Inc.

20407 Hawthorne Blvd.
Torrance, CA 90503

電話熱線 (888) 371-3228

星期一至星期五 9:00 am - 6:00pm (PST)
星期六: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm


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