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"World's Leading Large Ship Specialist"
Tom Baker, President — CruiseCenter


Join this popular voyage to learn more about the Arctic night sky and the greatest lightshow on Earth, the Aurora Borealis. You will be joined by your own expert lecturer, explaining everything you're seeing above you plus a visit to the Northern Lights Planetarium.


Join Hurtigruten on an unforgettable journey!

Hurtigruten  |  Cruises

The Hurtigruten Route takes passengers through 1,500 miles of the most spectacular scenery on earth.


4801 Woodway Suite 145-West Houston, TX 77056

(800) 825-5793

Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 6:00pm (CST)

Travel Insurance

CruiseCenter recommends optional travel insurance that protects you in the event of having to cancel your trip avoiding travel vendor cancellation policies and more! Click here!